187 Prince Street, Grafton NSW 2460
Phone 02 6675 0737
Fax 02 6619 5450
The Special Orthopaedic Centre Appointments
Our centre is open from 9am to 5pm Monday through to Friday (except for public holidays).
The Specialist Orthopaedic Centre closes for a short break in December over the festive season.
How do I make an appointment?
A current referral is needed for all consultations and surgeries. Referrals from a GP will last for 12 months and a referral from specialist to specialist lasts for 3 months.
Referrals need to be received before any appointments can be made with the specialists and can be sent via fax, Medical Objects, HealthLink or email or delivered in person by the patient.
It is a good idea for the patient to follow up on the referral by phoning the rooms on 02 6675 0737 in the following days to confirm the receipt of the referral. All incoming referrals are sent to the receiving doctor for triage. Once the doctor has decided on the appropriate action to be taken
(eg time frame and if any further tests need to be organised or an appointment with our physiotherapist is needed) patients are phoned and offered the appropriate appointment.
Patients are always welcome to phone or drop into the Centre to discuss the process.
Appointment times are important to all of the community.
If you are unable to attend, please contact us — preferably within 24 hours.
This way your appointment can be utilised by another patient who may need it.
Unable to attend your appointment?